A Graduate’s Guide To Job Hunting

Are you graduating and have no idea how to survive job hunting in the graduate world?

The graduate job search is getting more competitive each year, so carry on ready to learn about our top tips for securing your dream role.

Make A Start Soon 

It’s easy to feel as though all your fellow graduates are well prepared and ready for the working world, but you’re all in the same position.

Making a start as early as you can and not wasting your time off is the best way to stay on top of job hunting and minimising your stress levels. 

Why not start today by setting an hour aside a week for job hunting and preparing?

Preparation Is Key

Preparation is the best way to stay ahead of the game at any stage of the job hunting process. 

This could include: 

  • Preparing your CV 
  • Preparing for an application process by researching the company beforehand 


To help push yourself further in the job pool, network wherever you can. You’ve heard of the saying, sometimes it’s not what you know but who you know.

This could be reaching out to your dream companies to see if they’d consider you for a graduate role or signing up to LinkedIn. LinkedIn is the best place for virtual networking in the professional world (it’s essentially a virtual CV for potential employers to see).

Bulking Out Your CV 

When applying for a job, your CV is the first thing employers will see. Filling your CV with as much unique information as possible is the best way to make sure you’re at the top of their pile. 

Here are some sure-fire ways to improve your CV: 

  • List all of your work experience and skills.
  • Take up a hobby related to the sector you would like to work in (this is a great way to set yourself apart from other candidates and show you’re a passionate individual).
  • Ask an opinion you trust to look over your CV, this could be a careers advisor form your university or a relative from the working world. 

Cover Letters

Cover letters are an essential part of getting recognised for graduate positions. This is a written letter handed in alongside your CV to help employers understand why you’re applying for the role. This is the perfect opportunity to show the employer your personality and passions. 

You can find cover letter templates online but here’s a list of what to include: 

  • An elaboration of your CV, further explaining your experience and hobbies in relation to the job role.
  • Why you want to work for this particular company. 
  • Why you’re right for this specific job role.


After you’ve formally applied, if successful it’s likely you’ll be invited to an interview. 

As previously mentioned, before the interview ensure you’ve done your research on the company and the job role itself. 

On the day of the interview, make sure you’ve dressed appropriately. According to interviewers, 50% say that dressing inappropriately is the biggest mistake made at interviews. 

During the interview, ensure you are fully engaged in the conversation with your interviewer, don’t be distracted by what’s going on around you. Give the interviewer every opportunity to see your personality and why you’re right for the role. 

What are your top tips you’ve found from job hunting as a graduate?

Let us know in the comments on our post on Instagram or Facebook.